
The Sun City Cycling Club, formally known as The Charity Cycling Club, is a fully accredited Non-Profit Organization based at the Sun City Resort, North West Province, South Africa. The Club is in existence since 2000.

Johann Maré, Shaun Wienand and Garry Needham started the Road Cycling Club at the Sun City Resort. Johann Maré had the vision to start the now annual Sun City to Table Bay Charity Cycle Tour in 2002 and is the driving force behind this initiative. To date he arranged and organised 13 very succesful Charity Cycle Tours. 

The Charity Cycling Tours normally start at the Sun City Resort and finishes at the Table Bay Hotel in Cape Town. The Tour normally covers a total distance of 1,749 km in approximately 7 / 8 stages. The objective is for all participants to complete the entire distance with the team. Not all Tours start at the Sun City Resort as two of the Tours have started at different locations / places.

In 2010, the year of the FIFA World Cup in South Africa, some of the riders covered a distance of 2,400 in 10 days when the Tour started outside Mussina at the Beitbridge border post with Zimbabwe. The team cycled to Sun City and from there on to Cape Town. Initially 18 riders joyned this adventure of 700km with approximately 30 joining at the Sun City Resort for the remaining 1,749 km journey to Cape Town. 

In 2013 yet another group of approximately 18 cyclists started at the Victoria Falls in Zambia and traveled through parts of Zimbabwe and Botswana and then arrive at the Sun City Resort 1,300 km further. Here they were joined by another 30 cyclists and together cycled the remaining 1,749 km traveling the "normal" route to Cape Town, a total distance of 3,000 km in 13 days for 18 extremely brave ryders.

Even though the Non-Profit Organisation annually hosts the normal Charity Tour, the big question then will be if the Club will yet come up with another extreme AFRICA Challenge. Who knows maybe the 15th Tour might be another extreme challenge - if ever you want to be part of such a challenge then you must become a part of our family by joining our team!

The Club is not only about cycling..............we use our preffered sport and our Cycle Tours as the marketing vehicle of our fundraising effort. We raise cash donations and then distribute these funds collected by our cyclists and our Tours and then donate money, bicycles, services and products to mainly childrens charities. To-date we have raised more than R6.5 million for the various childrens charities and donated more than 200 bicycles to previously disadvantage individuals.

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Stop Overs

Sun City Resort


Golden Valley

The Table Bay