

Frequently Asked Questions    |    Customer Zone    |    Brochures    |    GDS Codes    |    Image and Video Library

Frequently Asked Questions

Customer Zone

Explore Sun International’s property portfolio, where you will find brochures, fact sheets, images, presentations and so much more.

Brochures & Fact Sheets

Brochure | PDF 2.6MB
Fact Sheet | PDF 3.1MB
Federal Palace
Brochure | PDF 381KB
Fact Sheet | PDF 217KB
Time Square
Brochure | PDF 3.3MB
Fact Sheet | PDF 5.4MB
Maslow Sandton
Brochure | PDF 4MB
Fact Sheet | PDF 5.2MB
Wedding Brochure | PDF 2.6MB
Brochure | PDF 3.3MB
Fact Sheet | PDF 269KB
Sun City Resort
Sun City Fact Finder | PDF 6MB
Wedding Brochure | PDF 3.8 MB
Sun City Activities | PDF 4MB
Day Conference Packages | PDF 3MB
Conference Venue Capacities | PDF 3.7MB
Sun City Venue Hire | PDF 0.4MB
Sun City Leisure Brochure | PDF 8MB
Sun City Resort Map | PDF 3MB
Sun City Technical Rider | PDF 1.6MB
Table Bay Hotel
Brochure | PDF 9.1MB
Fact Sheet | PDF 5.5MB
The Palace of the Lost City
Brochure | PDF 14.6MB
Fact Sheet | PDF 5MB
Wedding Brochure | PDF 3.5MB
Wild Coast Sun
Brochure | 1.6MB
Fact Sheet | 5.1MB
Flamingo Casino
Fact Sheet | PDF 2.5MB
Carnival City
Fact Sheet | 5MB
Fact Sheet | PDF 5.2MB
Brochure | PDF 4.5MB
Fact Sheet | PDF 317KB
Windmill Casino
Fact Sheet | PDF 6.7MB
Golden Valley
Fact Sheet | PDF 2.6MB
Conferencing Conferencing | PDF 5.9MB
Golf Brochure | PDF 3.4MB
Discover Africa’s Wonder
Brochure | PDF 5.4MB
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GDS Codes

Hotel Country Codes Star Rating
The Maslow Sandton Country: South Africa

Codes: GDS Chain: WV
Airport: JNB
Galileo: 60630
Amadeus: JNBGRA
Sabre: 168263
Worldspan: SIGRA
Star Rating: 4
The Maslow Time Square Country: South Africa Codes: GDS Chain: WV
Airport: JNB
Galileo: E2043
Amadeus: JNB234
Sabre: 3178222
Worldspan: JNB34
Star Rating: 4
Meropa Country: South Africa Codes: GDS Chain: WV
Airport: PTG
Galileo: C8696
Amadeus: PTG991
Sabre: 311208
Worldspan: 99991
Star Rating: 3
The Table Bay
Country: South Africa Codes: GDS Chain: WV
Airport: CPT
Galileo: 95556
Amadeus: CPT054
Sabre: 35828
Worldspan: 6054
Star Rating: 5
Boardwalk Country: South Africa Codes: GDS Chain: IQ
Airport: PLZ
Galileo: 60596
Amadeus: PLZBOR
Sabre: 168258
Worldspan: SIBOR
Star Rating: 4
Federal Palace Country: Nigeria Codes: GDS Chain: IQ
Airport: LOS
Galileo: 14786
Amadeus: LOS000
Sabre: 53460
Worldspan: 4500
Star Rating: 5
Sun City - Cascades Country: South Africa Codes: GDS Chain: IQ
Airport: JNB
Galileo: 59000
Amadeus: NTYCAS
Sabre: 13811
Worldspan: 21417
Star Rating: 5
Sun City - Soho Country: South Africa Codes: GDS Chain: IQ
Airport: JNB
Galileo: 58997
Amadeus: NTYSUN
Sabre: 13812
Worldspan: 21414
Star Rating: 4

Digital Library

Visit our digital library to access our high quality photos from our various properties.

Please note:
Usage of all images is governed by the Terms and Conditions on When using images, please ensure that the correct description is displayed beneath the image. The associated logo of the Hotel/Resort being displayed should also accompany the images where possible.

A low resolution digital .jpg screen shot of the final layout must be sent to the Marketing Co-ordinator at Sun International on for approval of above mentioned usage before any collateral goes to print.

None of the images on this website may be used for generic purposes and may only be used for collateral pertaining to Sun International and for the reason you have given in your request form. The use of golf images in calendars or coffee table books is prohibited.


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