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Sun International Limited - Analysis of shareholders and Company Snapshot.

Position as at November 2016

Issued Share Capital: 109 086 988

  Number of Shares Held %
Allan Gray 10,178,726 9.33
MMI Holdings Ltd 7,632,623 7.00
Dinokana Investments (Pty) Ltd 6,719,759 6.16
Investment Solutions 5,450,627 5.00
Prudential Investment Managers 4,595,062 4.21
Government Pension Fund - Norway 4,007,241 3.67
Sunlam 3,557,704 3.26
Old Mutual 3,405,630 3.12
Vanguard 2,945,417 2.70
Sun International Employee Share Trust 2,597,419 2.38
Cumulative Totals 51,090,208 46.83
Fund Manager Number of Shares Held %
Allan Gray Asset Management 25,162,801 23.07
Prudential Investment Managers 11,268,973 10.33
Momentum Investments 6,512,736 5.97
Visio Capital Management 4,589,961 4.21
Kagiso Asset Management 3,698,044 3.39
Sanlam Investment Management 3,143,471 2.88
Vanguard 2,945,417 2.70
Laurium Capital 2,681,171 2.46
Dimensional Fund Advisors 2,359,703 2.16
Investec Asset Management 2,230,821 2.04
Cumulative Totals 64,593,098 59.21

Shareholder Classification

  • Below threshold: (threshold analysis: any shareholder owning less than 40 000, therefore 7% of shareholders fell below the threshold and are grouped here) Predominantly consisting of: individual shareholders and family trusts.
  • Other: consists of Sovereign Wealth Fund; Broker; Hedge Fund; Custodian; Stock Lending; Retail Investor; Various; Trust; Directors & Associates; Private Company; Medical Scheme; Endowment Fund; Investment Company; Close Corporation. These groups comprise 17% of the share capial.