
Since the start of the national lockdown, Sun International has carefully considered how we can respond to the growing humanitarian crisis unfolding across our country.

We are mindful that as the battle right now is focused on fighting COVID-19, a bigger economic battle is looming. The hospitality and gaming industry is one of many that have been hard hit, so the economic hardships facing smaller businesses and individuals resonates deeply with us.

As our Most Valued Guest, we ask you to support South Africa at this critical time in our country's history by donating up to 50% of your leisure points. In turn, Sun International will pay the rand value of these leisure points over to the COVID-19 Solidarity Fund. We know how hard you have worked for these points, but after we reopen you will be given an opportunity to earn them back in a double-points promotion, that we will run over the first three months.

We ask that you will consider our appeal with compassion. If we act now, there is a chance to do something really meaningful for South Africans who really need it.

We hope you will see our request as an opportunity to unite behind our country. We face an uncertain future but if we all pull together, we can get our country back on a path of prosperity for all.

Thank you for your support over the years. We look forward to a time when we can again entertain you without limitations or restrictions and we can continue create lasting memories!

Donate Now

Covid-19 Solidarity Fund Donations Terms and Conditions

  1. Sun International will afford all existing Sun MVG members who have a minimum of two (2) Leisure points the opportunity to voluntarily donate up to 50% of their Leisure Points to the Covid-19 Solidarity Fund.  
  2. Donations can be made from 17 April 2020 to midnight on 31 May 2020.
  3. Leisure points can only be donated in whole values (i.e. partial points will not be accepted). 1 Leisure point is equivalent = R1
  1. Sun International will pay over the Rand value of all Leisure points donated to the COVID-19 Solidarity Fund on 15 May 2020.
  2. Once the election to donate is made the donation will be accepted and cannot be reversed.
  3. To donate Sun MVG members are required to access the link provided in the communication using their Sun MVG account number and identification number.
  4. The donation transaction will appear on the members’ Sun MVG statements that can be viewed on the respective member’s My Sun profile.
  5. All Sun MVG loyalty members who are not excluded and who donated their Leisure points in the above manner to the COVID-19 Solidarity Fund will be eligible to participate in an exclusive promotion to earn double Leisure points during the first three (3) months post the national lockdown to earn the up to the equivalent value of the Leisure points that were donated. The date of commencement of the promotion concerned will be communicated to eligible Sun MVG members.
  6. Further to the above, Sun MVG members consent to being included in Sun International's marketing mailing list, however, such members may elect to opt out of receiving marketing correspondence by using the appropriate links in emails to unsubscribe or replying STOP to a SMS or utilizing other means offered by Sun International to exercise this right, including but not limited to, requesting such opt-out at any participating Sun International entity. Sun MVG members undertake to notify Sun International of any errant marketing communications received following their opt-out request, bearing in mind that opt-outs may only become effective after a reasonable period following the request.
  7. To enable Sun International to provide premium Benefits through Sun MVG it requires up-to-date and correct personal information of its members. Personal information includes the prescribed information falling within the definitions of personal or special personal information as set out in the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 ("Protected Personal Information"). The Protected Personal Information of Sun MVG members which Sun International may process include the following:
    1. Names, identity numbers, contact details, addresses, occupations;
    2. Information regarding whether Sun MVG members are politically exposed or prominent influential persons;
    3. Preferences and opinions
  8. Sun MVG members give express consent to Sun International to obtain, process and further process their Protected Personal Information for any lawful purposes relating to the Sun MVG members' participation in Sun MVG including to:
    1. allow Sun MVG members to participate in Sun MVG;
    2. provide premium Benefits through Sun MVG;
    3. verify the identity of Sun MVG members;
    4. process Points and Tier Credits of Sun MVG members;
    5. monitor and analyse the conduct on Sun MVG members' membership accounts and profile for fraud, compliance and other risk-related purposes;
    6. carry out statistical and other analyses to identify potential markets and trends and/or develop new products and services;
    7. to carry out certain marketing activities as set out in clause 18 above;
  9. Furthermore, Sun MVG members agree and consent to Sun International retaining their Protected Personal Information for such periods as Sun International may determine is necessary for its legitimate business security and record keeping purposes. Specifically, Sun MVG members also give express consent to Sun International to disclose their Protected Personal Information –
  10. to any person that provides services (which services may include verifying, updating and processing Protected Personal Information) to Sun International or acts as Sun International's agent or to whom Sun International have transferred or propose to transfer any of its rights and duties in respect of Sun MVG memberships (some of these persons may be located outside of the Republic of South Africa), and share Sun MVG members' Protected Personal Information with Sun International's service providers, locally and outside the Republic of South Africa, as necessary. Sun International may ask persons who provide services to Sun International to agree to Sun International's privacy policies if they need to access any Protected Personal Information to carry out their services;
  11. to Sun International's legal advisors, financial advisors, auditors or a competent court in legal proceedings; and
  12. to any entity which is part of Sun International's group of companies for purposes related to Sun MVG members' participation in Sun MVG.
  13. Protected Personal Information may be updated by Sun MVG members online (where applicable) or by visiting participating Sun International entities. The access to and deletion of Protected Personal Information is subject to processes set out in Sun International's PAIA manual which is also available at
  14. Sun MVG members accept that Sun International takes reasonable and practical steps to safeguard Protected Personal Information in its possession. To the fullest extent permissible by law, Sun MVG members hereby indemnify and holds harmless Sun International, its employees and agents against any liability, damages and/or legal action whatsoever and howsoever arising, including negligence on the part of Sun International, its employees or agents and Sun International shall not accept liability for any damages or any type of loss suffered by Sun MVG members when utilizing the Sun MVG programme and its Benefits.
  15. Sun MVG members accept that it is possible for errors or system malfunctions to occur. In such instances Sun International reserves the right to adjust Points, Benefits and Tier Credits accrued by Sun MVG members in such instances.
  16. Sun International reserves the right to terminate the membership of Sun MVG members who breach these terms and conditions or whose conduct, when exercising any Benefit or using any of Sun International's facilities, is deemed at its sole discretion to be undesirable. In addition, Sun International reserves the right to unilaterally utilize Leisure Points to settle any debt owed for the use of hospitality facilities or food and beverage charges.
  17. In the event that Sun International makes any indulgence or deviation of these terms and conditions in favour of Sun MVG members, then such indulgence or deviation shall not be misconstrued to be a breach or waiver of these terms and conditions or any rights of Sun International.
  18. The above clauses are severable from each other. In the event that any clause or part thereof is unenforceable in law, then that clause or part thereof shall be severed from these terms and conditions, and the surviving clauses and parts thereof shall remain in force.